Cost of Goods (COGS)

COGS stands for Cost of Goods Sold. It refers to the direct costs incurred in producing or purchasing the goods that a company sells during a specific period. COGS includes expenses such as the cost of raw materials, labor directly involved in production, manufacturing overhead, and any other costs directly attributable to the production of…

Principles of Omnes

Designing a restaurant menu necessitates a significant financial commitment, contingent on factors such as style, texture choices, and graphics. Interestingly, these elements do not necessarily correlate with profitability. In fact, the most aesthetically pleasing and well-designed menu may not be the one that generates the highest sales or attracts the most customers. So when setting…

The Taurus Mountains

The Taurus Mountains, also known simply as the Taurus, are a major mountain range in southern Turkey. They are a significant geographical feature that spans a considerable portion of the country. Here’s an overview of the Taurus Mountains: Geography and Location: The Taurus Mountains run roughly parallel to the southern coast of Turkey, separating the…

Alanya Neighborhoods and Postal Codes

The postal code system in Turkey is known as “Posta Kodu” in Turkish. Here’s a general overview of how postal codes work in Turkey: Format: Turkish postal codes consist of 5 digits, without any letters or special characters. For example, a postal code might look like 12345. Hierarchy: The first two digits of the postal…

Photo Generated by DreamStudio StabilityAI

Real Estate Market Cycle

The real estate market cycle refers to the pattern of ups and downs that occur in the real estate market over time. It is characterized by four distinct phases: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. Understanding these phases can provide insights into the dynamics of the real estate market and help individuals make informed decisions. Expansion:…

Drones Technology for the Real Estate Industry

Drones have become increasingly popular and valuable tools in the real estate industry. They offer unique perspectives and aerial views that can showcase properties in an engaging and visually compelling way. Here are some of the ways drones are being used in real estate: Aerial Photography and Videography: Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras can capture…

Case-Shiller Home Price Indices

The Case-Shiller Home Price Indices are a widely recognized and respected set of measures for tracking changes in residential real estate prices in the United States. They were created by economists Karl Case, Robert Shiller, and Allan Weiss and are published by S&P Dow Jones Indices. The indices are constructed using a repeat-sales methodology, which…

Waterfall Framework for Real Estate Investment

The Waterfall Framework can be applied to real estate investment structures, particularly in the context of private equity real estate funds or joint ventures. It provides a systematic approach to the distribution of profits and cash flows among different stakeholders involved in the investment. Here’s an overview of how the Waterfall Framework can be used…